Meeting called to order at 7:01
Members Present: Bob, Fletch, Mike K., Brandon E., Mark, Ron, Brandon K., Curt, Randy, Daniel, Jesse, Jason
Minutes: Minutes of the December meeting were read and approved
Treasurer’s Report: Last Month Balance: $7,490.17 Charity: $803.02 , This Month Balance: $7,359.58 Charity: $803.02
Old Business:
- Plaques
- Ron has the plaques and will hand them off for presentation at Fayette
- 2025 Dues
- All members are paid up and Fletch has updated the roster accordingly
- Club Website
- For 140.59 we will be hosting through 2029 saving the club money over the long term
- Mark is continuously updating the website making great progress
- The club discussed keeping the homepage photos recent and selecting the photos that showcase the big bass our members catch
- QBC Facebook Page
- Randy has gained admin rights to the page
New Business:
- CAST For Kids
- Ron was selected as the club’s chairperson for C.A.S.T.
- Ron will reach out to the C.A.S.T. Foundation to get the ball rolling and will provide the club with priorities of work at February’s meeting
- State Championship
- The tournament will be held at lake Granbury on April 4-5th
- Mark needs the names of those who would like to go no later than March 1st
- Fayette Ranch House
- Check in time is at 3pm but could be earlier. Brandon will send out more
information as we get closer to the tournament
- Check in time is at 3pm but could be earlier. Brandon will send out more
- New Members
- No new members
South Region Update: Individual and team trails will be at Fayette County Lake this month. This will be a slot limit tournament. Fish brought to the scales will be under 16 inches and over 24 inches.
Tournament Director’s Report:
2025 Schedule
1. January 11-12, Fayette County
2. February 8-9, Coleto Creek
3. March 15, LBJ
4. March 16, LBJ
5. April 26-27, Buchanan
6. May 17-18, Choke Canyon
7. June 14-15, OH Ivie
8. September 6-7, Stillhouse
9. October 11, Dunlap
10. October 12, Dunlap
11. November 8-9, Inks
12. December 6-7, Bastrop
1. January 10-11 2026, Fayette County
Next Tournament: Derby 1, January 11-12, Fayette County , Saturday 7am to 3pm, Sunday 7am to 1pm , Park Prairie Park. Using Club Hand Scales.
Meeting adjourned at 7:53
Respectfully submitted,
Randy Lee